Big Chop Hair: 6 Things to Consider Before Doing It

• By Martha O

Every natural at some point in their hair journey has done a big chop. It can be an exciting experience or unfamiliar grounds for anyone. I still remember my big chop experience, it took weeks of deciding on the perfect cut, reading tons of articles online, and binge-watching YouTube videos on what to expect before you do a big chop. When I felt I had all the right information, I woke up one morning and did my big chop.

So doing the big chop is more than just cutting the hair itself. It usually requires knowing your hair texture and what would suit you or not.

To help you get the hang of everything, this tutorial by Janaikirsten will share 6 things you need to consider before you do the big chop.

Here's a breakdown of the tips she shared below

1. Go to a professional 

Before you think of taking some scissors to do the big chop yourself, find a professional to do the job for you.  If you are planning to go anything a little lower than a short curly Afro, Janaikirsten recommends seeking the help of a professional for your big chop. If you do your big chop cut on your own, it could be uneven or shaped weird and then you wouldn't be satisfied with the results.

2. Have a hair care regimen

She recommends that you should come up with a hair care regimen and stick to it. She shampoos and conditions her hair once a week and tries to deep condition every other time she washes her hair. Some people like to co wash in between washes, so your hair care regimen doesn't have to be super complicated or anything. It just has to be something you are able to stick to and be consistent with.

3. Find products that work for you

You can't just go on YouTube and find someone with similar or the same hair texture as you and use all the products they are using. Because they have the same hair texture like you doesn't mean those products will work for you too. You can go on YouTube and look at what products people similar to your hair texture suggest and try them out. Keep in mind that what works for them won't work for you, they might have a different porosity level from you plus other factors. Test out products, figure out which one works for you, and stick with them.

4. Keep your hair moisturized

After the big chop, you should moisturize your hair everyday. Janaikirsten has dry hair so she moisturizes her hair everyday but if your hair is good at retaining moisture, then moisturize at least every other day. It is very important to keep your hair moisturized after your big chop. Look for a good moisturizing conditioner or go for a leave-in and oil mix.

5. Don't fixate on your growth

Don't pay attention to your hair growth everyday. If you are doing your length check everyday or every week, you are going to feel like your hair isn't growing. Don't focus obsessively on your growth, if you leave it alone your hair will grow. Don't clock your growth always so you don't feel discouraged either and think your hair isn't growing. For Janaikirsten, she wore wigs almost all the time during her big chop and then maintained her hair underneath. And In a couple of months, her hair seemed to have grown.

6. Get some accessories

A lot of women after they have the big chop don't feel as feminine or confident without their hair. You should get some accessories or jewelry to add some style to your TWA (teeny weeny Afro). This is also a great way to experiment with your big chop and find what suits you.